Pari/GP Reference Documentation | ![]() |
algdep charpoly concat lindep listcreate listinsert listkill listput listsort matadjoint matcompanion matdet matdetint matdiagonal mateigen mathess mathilbert mathnf mathnfmod mathnfmodid matid matimage matimagecompl matindexrank matintersect matinverseimage matisdiagonal matker matkerint matmuldiagonal matmultodiagonal matpascal matrank matrix matrixqz matsize matsnf matsolve matsolvemod matsupplement mattranspose qfgaussred qfjacobi qflll qflllgram qfminim qfperfection qfsign setintersect setisset setminus setsearch setunion trace vecextract vecsort vector vectorv | |
algdep(x,k,{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
x being real, complex, or p-adic, finds a polynomial of degree at most k with integer coefficients having x as approximate root. Note that the polynomial which is obtained is not necessarily the "correct" one (it's not even guaranteed to be irreducible!). One can check the closeness either by a polynomial evaluation or substitution, or by computing the roots of the polynomial given by algdep. If x is padic, flag is meaningless and the algorithm LLL-reduces the "dual lattice" corresponding to the powers of x. Otherwise, if flag is zero, the algorithm used is a variant of the LLL algorithm due to Hastad, Lagarias and Schnorr (STACS 1986). If the precision is too low, the routine may enter an infinite loop. If flag is non-zero, use a standard LLL. flag then indicates a precision, which should be between 0.5 and 1.0 times the number of decimal digits to which x was computed. The library syntax is algdep0(x,k,flag,prec), where k and flag are longs. Also available is algdep(x,k,prec) (flag = 0). | |
charpoly(A,{v = x},{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
characteristic polynomial of A with respect to the variable v, i.e.determinant of v*I-A if A is a square matrix, determinant of the map "multiplication by A" if A is a scalar, in particular a polmod (e.g. charpoly(I,x) = x^2+1). Note that in the latter case, the minimal polynomial can be obtained as minpoly(A)= { local(y); y = charpoly(A); y / gcd(y,y') } The value of flag is only significant for matrices. If flag = 0, the method used is essentially the same as for computing the adjoint matrix, i.e.computing the traces of the powers of A. If flag = 1, uses Lagrange interpolation which is almost always slower. If flag = 2, uses the Hessenberg form. This is faster than the default when the coefficients are integermod a prime or real numbers, but is usually slower in other base rings. The library syntax is charpoly0(A,v,flag), where v is the variable number. Also available are the functions caract(A,v) (flag = 1), carhess(A,v) (flag = 2), and caradj(A,v,pt) where, in this last case, pt is a GEN* which, if not equal to NULL, will receive the address of the adjoint matrix of A (see matadjoint), so both can be obtained at once. | |
concat(x,{y}) | ![]() ![]() |
concatenation of x and y. If x or y is not a vector or matrix, it is considered as a one-dimensional vector. All types are allowed for x and y, but the sizes must be compatible. Note that matrices are concatenated horizontally, i.e.the number of rows stays the same. Using transpositions, it is easy to concatenate them vertically. To concatenate vectors sideways ( obtain a two-row or two-column matrix), first transform the vector into a one-row or one-column matrix using the function Mat. Concatenating a row vector to a matrix having the same number of columns will add the row to the matrix (top row if the vector is x, i.e.comes first, and bottom row otherwise). The empty matrix [;] is considered to have a number of rows compatible with any operation, in particular concatenation. (Note that this is definitely not the case for empty vectors [] or []~.) If y is omitted, x has to be a row vector or a list, in which case its elements are concatenated, from left to right, using the above rules.
? concat([1,2], [3,4]) %1 = [1, 2, 3, 4] ? a = [[1,2]~, [3,4]~]; concat(a) %2 = [1, 2, 3, 4]~ ? a[1] = Mat(a[1]); concat(a) %3 = [1 3] [2 4] ? concat([1,2; 3,4], [5,6]~) %4 = [1 2 5] [3 4 6] ? concat([%, [7,8]~, [1,2,3,4]]) %5 = [1 2 5 7] [3 4 6 8] [1 2 3 4] The library syntax is concat(x,y). | |
lindep(x,{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
x being a vector with real or complex coefficients, finds a small integral linear combination among these coefficients. If flag = 0, uses a variant of the LLL algorithm due to Hastad, Lagarias and Schnorr (STACS 1986). If flag > 0, uses the LLL algorithm. flag is a parameter which should be between one half the number of decimal digits of precision and that number (see algdep). If flag < 0, returns as soon as one relation has been found. The library syntax is lindep0(x,flag,prec). Also available is lindep(x,prec) (flag = 0). | |
listcreate(n) | ![]() ![]() |
creates an empty list of maximal length n. This function is useless in library mode. | |
listinsert(list,x,n) | ![]() ![]() |
inserts the object x at position n in list (which must be of type t_LIST). All the remaining elements of list (from position n+1 onwards) are shifted to the right. This and listput are the only commands which enable you to increase a list's effective length (as long as it remains under the maximal length specified at the time of the listcreate). This function is useless in library mode. | |
listkill(list) | ![]() ![]() |
kill list. This deletes all elements from list and sets its effective length to 0. The maximal length is not affected. This function is useless in library mode. | |
listput(list,x,{n}) | ![]() ![]() |
sets the n-th element of the list list (which must be of type t_LIST) equal to x. If n is omitted, or greater than the list current effective length, just appends x. This and listinsert are the only commands which enable you to increase a list's effective length (as long as it remains under the maximal length specified at the time of the listcreate). If you want to put an element into an occupied cell, i.e.if you don't want to change the effective length, you can consider the list as a vector and use the usual list[n] = x construct. This function is useless in library mode. | |
listsort(list,{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
sorts list (which must be of type t_LIST) in place. If flag is non-zero, suppresses all repeated coefficients. This is much faster than the vecsort command since no copy has to be made. This function is useless in library mode. | |
matadjoint(x) | ![]() ![]() |
adjoint matrix of x, i.e.the matrix y of cofactors of x, satisfying x*y = det(x)*Id. x must be a (non-necessarily invertible) square matrix. The library syntax is adj(x). | |
matcompanion(x) | ![]() ![]() |
the left companion matrix to the polynomial x. The library syntax is assmat(x). | |
matdet(x,{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
determinant of x. x must be a square matrix. If flag = 0, uses Gauss-Bareiss. If flag = 1, uses classical Gaussian elimination, which is better when the entries of the matrix are reals or integers for example, but usually much worse for more complicated entries like multivariate polynomials. The library syntax is det(x) (flag = 0) and det2(x) (flag = 1). | |
matdetint(x) | ![]() ![]() |
x being an m x n matrix with integer coefficients, this function computes a multiple of the determinant of the lattice generated by the columns of x if it is of rank m, and returns zero otherwise. This function can be useful in conjunction with the function mathnfmod which needs to know such a multiple. Other ways to obtain this determinant (assuming the rank is maximal) is matdet(qflll(x,4)[2]*x) or more simply matdet(mathnf(x)). Experiment to see which is faster for your applications. The library syntax is detint(x). | |
matdiagonal(x) | ![]() ![]() |
x being a vector, creates the diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries are those of x. The library syntax is diagonal(x). | |
mateigen(x) | ![]() ![]() |
gives the eigenvectors of x as columns of a matrix. The library syntax is eigen(x). | |
mathess(x) | ![]() ![]() |
Hessenberg form of the square matrix x. The library syntax is hess(x). | |
mathilbert(x) | ![]() ![]() |
x being a long, creates the \idx{Hilbert matrix} of order x, i.e.the matrix whose coefficient (i,j) is 1/ (i+j-1). The library syntax is mathilbert(x). | |
mathnf(x,{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
if x is a (not necessarily square) matrix of maximal rank, finds the upper triangular Hermite normal form of x. If the rank of x is equal to its number of rows, the result is a square matrix. In general, the columns of the result form a basis of the lattice spanned by the columns of x. If flag = 0, uses the naive algorithm. If the Z-module generated by the columns is a lattice, it is recommanded to use mathnfmod(x, matdetint(x)) instead (much faster). If flag = 1, uses Batut's algorithm. Outputs a two-component row vector [H,U], where H is the upper triangular Hermite normal form of x (i.e.the default result) and U is the unimodular transformation matrix such that xU = [0|H]. If the rank of x is equal to its number of rows, H is a square matrix. In general, the columns of H form a basis of the lattice spanned by the columns of x. If flag = 2, uses Havas's algorithm. Outputs [H,U,P], such that H and U are as before and P is a permutation of the rows such that P applied to xU gives H. This does not work very well in present version 2.1.1. If flag = 3, uses Batut's algorithm, and outputs [H,U,P] as in the previous case. If flag = 4, as in case 1 above, but uses LLL reduction along the way. The library syntax is mathnf0(x,flag). Also available are hnf(x) (flag = 0) and hnfall(x) (flag = 1). To reduce huge (say 400 x 400 and more) relation matrices (sparse with small entries), you can use the pair hnfspec / hnfadd. Since this is rather technical and the calling interface may change, they are not documented yet. Look at the code in basemath/alglin1.c. | |
mathnfmod(x,d) | ![]() ![]() |
if x is a (not necessarily square) matrix of maximal rank with integer entries, and d is a multiple of the (non-zero) determinant of the lattice spanned by the columns of x, finds the upper triangular Hermite normal form of x. If the rank of x is equal to its number of rows, the result is a square matrix. In general, the columns of the result form a basis of the lattice spanned by the columns of x. This is much faster than mathnf when d is known. The library syntax is hnfmod(x,d). | |
mathnfmodid(x,d) | ![]() ![]() |
outputs the (upper triangular) Hermite normal form of x concatenated with d times the identity matrix. The library syntax is hnfmodid(x,d). | |
matid(n) | ![]() ![]() |
creates the n x n identity matrix. The library syntax is idmat(n) where n is a long. Related functions are gscalmat(x,n), which creates x times the identity matrix (x being a GEN and n a long), and gscalsmat(x,n) which is the same when x is a long. | |
matimage(x,{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
gives a basis for the image of the matrix x as columns of a matrix. A priori the matrix can have entries of any type. If flag = 0, use standard Gauss pivot. If flag = 1, use matsupplement. The library syntax is matimage0(x,flag). Also available is image(x) (flag = 0). | |
matimagecompl(x) | ![]() ![]() |
gives the vector of the column indices which are not extracted by the function matimage. Hence the number of components of matimagecompl(x) plus the number of columns of matimage(x) is equal to the number of columns of the matrix x. The library syntax is imagecompl(x). | |
matindexrank(x) | ![]() ![]() |
x being a matrix of rank r, gives two vectors y and z of length r giving a list of rows and columns respectively (starting from 1) such that the extracted matrix obtained from these two vectors using vecextract(x,y,z) is invertible. The library syntax is indexrank(x). | |
matintersect(x,y) | ![]() ![]() |
x and y being two matrices with the same number of rows each of whose columns are independent, finds a basis of the Q-vector space equal to the intersection of the spaces spanned by the columns of x and y respectively. See also the function idealintersect, which does the same for free Z-modules. The library syntax is intersect(x,y). | |
matinverseimage(x,y) | ![]() ![]() |
gives a column vector belonging to the inverse image of the column vector y by the matrix x if one exists, the empty vector otherwise. To get the complete inverse image, it suffices to add to the result any element of the kernel of x obtained for example by matker. The library syntax is inverseimage(x,y). | |
matisdiagonal(x) | ![]() ![]() |
returns true (1) if x is a diagonal matrix, false (0) if not. The library syntax is isdiagonal(x), and this returns a long integer. | |
matker(x,{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
gives a basis for the kernel of the matrix x as columns of a matrix. A priori the matrix can have entries of any type. If x is known to have integral entries, set flag = 1. Note: The library function ker_mod_p(x, p), where x has integer entries and p is prime, which is equivalent to but many orders of magnitude faster than matker(x*Mod(1,p)) and needs much less stack space. To use it under GP, type install(ker_mod_p, GG) first. The library syntax is matker0(x,flag). Also available are ker(x) (flag = 0), keri(x) (flag = 1) and ker_mod_p(x,p). | |
matkerint(x,{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
gives an LLL-reduced Z-basis for the lattice equal to the kernel of the matrix x as columns of the matrix x with integer entries (rational entries are not permitted). If flag = 0, uses a modified integer LLL algorithm. If flag = 1, uses matrixqz(x,-2). If LLL reduction of the final result is not desired, you can save time using matrixqz(matker(x),-2) instead. If flag = 2, uses another modified LLL. In the present version 2.1.1, only independent rows are allowed in this case. The library syntax is matkerint0(x,flag). Also available is kerint(x) (flag = 0). | |
matmuldiagonal(x,d) | ![]() ![]() |
product of the matrix x by the diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries are those of the vector d. Equivalent to, but much faster than x* matdiagonal(d). The library syntax is matmuldiagonal(x,d). | |
matmultodiagonal(x,y) | ![]() ![]() |
product of the matrices x and y knowing that the result is a diagonal matrix. Much faster than x*y in that case. The library syntax is matmultodiagonal(x,y). | |
matpascal(x,{q}) | ![]() ![]() |
creates as a matrix the lower triangular Pascal triangle of order x+1 (i.e.with binomial coefficients up to x). If q is given, compute the q-Pascal triangle (i.e.using q-binomial coefficients). The library syntax is matqpascal(x,q), where x is a long and q = NULL is used to omit q. Also available is matpascal{x}. | |
matrank(x) | ![]() ![]() |
rank of the matrix x. The library syntax is rank(x), and the result is a long. | |
matrix(m,n,{X},{Y},{expr = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
creation of the m x n matrix whose coefficients are given by the expression expr. There are two formal parameters in expr, the first one (X) corresponding to the rows, the second (Y) to the columns, and X goes from 1 to m, Y goes from 1 to n. If one of the last 3 parameters is omitted, fill the matrix with zeroes. The library syntax is matrice(GEN nlig,GEN ncol,entree *e1,entree *e2,char *expr). | |
matrixqz(x,p) | ![]() ![]() |
x being an m x n matrix with m >= n with rational or integer entries, this function has varying behaviour depending on the sign of p: If p >= 0, x is assumed to be of maximal rank. This function returns a matrix having only integral entries, having the same image as x, such that the GCD of all its n x n subdeterminants is equal to 1 when p is equal to 0, or not divisible by p otherwise. Here p must be a prime number (when it is non-zero). However, if the function is used when p has no small prime factors, it will either work or give the message "impossible inverse modulo" and a non-trivial divisor of p. If p = -1, this function returns a matrix whose columns form a basis of the lattice equal to Z^n intersected with the lattice generated by the columns of x. If p = -2, returns a matrix whose columns form a basis of the lattice equal to Z^n intersected with the Q-vector space generated by the columns of x. The library syntax is matrixqz0(x,p). | |
matsize(x) | ![]() ![]() |
x being a vector or matrix, returns a row vector with two components, the first being the number of rows (1 for a row vector), the second the number of columns (1 for a column vector). The library syntax is matsize(x). | |
matsnf(X,{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
if X is a (singular or non-singular) square matrix outputs the vector of elementary divisors of X (i.e.the diagonal of the Smith normal form of X). The binary digits of flag mean: 1 (complete output): if set, outputs [U,V,D], where U and V are two unimodular matrices such that UXV is the diagonal matrix D. Otherwise output only the diagonal of D. 2 (generic input): if set, allows polynomial entries. Otherwise, assume that X has integer coefficients. 4 (cleanup): if set, cleans up the output. This means that elementary divisors equal to 1 will be deleted, i.e.outputs a shortened vector D' instead of D. If complete output was required, returns [U',V',D'] so that U'XV' = D' holds. If this flag is set, X is allowed to be of the form D or [U,V,D] as would normally be output with the cleanup flag unset. The library syntax is matsnf0(X,flag). Also available is smith(X) (flag = 0). | |
matsolve(x,y) | ![]() ![]() |
x being an invertible matrix and y a column vector, finds the solution u of x*u = y, using Gaussian elimination. This has the same effect as, but is a bit faster, than x^{-1}*y. The library syntax is gauss(x,y). | |
matsolvemod(m,d,y,{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
m being any integral matrix, d a vector of positive integer moduli, and y an integral column vector, gives a small integer solution to the system of congruences sum_i m_{i,j}x_j = y_i (mod d_i) if one exists, otherwise returns zero. Shorthand notation: y (resp.d) can be given as a single integer, in which case all the y_i (resp.d_i) above are taken to be equal to y (resp.d). If flag = 1, all solutions are returned in the form of a two-component row vector [x,u], where x is a small integer solution to the system of congruences and u is a matrix whose columns give a basis of the homogeneous system (so that all solutions can be obtained by adding x to any linear combination of columns of u). If no solution exists, returns zero. The library syntax is matsolvemod0(m,d,y,flag). Also available are gaussmodulo(m,d,y) (flag = 0) and gaussmodulo2(m,d,y) (flag = 1). | |
matsupplement(x) | ![]() ![]() |
assuming that the columns of the matrix x are linearly independent (if they are not, an error message is issued), finds a square invertible matrix whose first columns are the columns of x, i.e.supplement the columns of x to a basis of the whole space. The library syntax is suppl(x). | |
mattranspose(x) | ![]() ![]() |
or x~: transpose of x. This has an effect only on vectors and matrices. The library syntax is gtrans(x). | |
qfgaussred(q) | ![]() ![]() |
decomposition into squares of the quadratic form represented by the symmetric matrix q. The result is a matrix whose diagonal entries are the coefficients of the squares, and the non-diagonal entries represent the bilinear forms. More precisely, if (a_{ij}) denotes the output, one has q(x) = sum_i a_{ii} (x_i + sum_{j > i} a_{ij} x_j)^2 The library syntax is sqred(x). | |
qfjacobi(x) | ![]() ![]() |
x being a real symmetric matrix, this gives a vector having two components: the first one is the vector of eigenvalues of x, the second is the corresponding orthogonal matrix of eigenvectors of x. The method used is Jacobi's method for symmetric matrices. The library syntax is jacobi(x). | |
qflll(x,{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
LLL algorithm applied to the columns of the (not necessarily square) matrix x. The columns of x must however be linearly independent, unless specified otherwise below. The result is a transformation matrix T such that x.T is an LLL-reduced basis of the lattice generated by the column vectors of x. If flag = 0 (default), the computations are done with real numbers (i.e.not with rational numbers) hence are fast but as presently programmed (version 2.1.1) are numerically unstable. If flag = 1, it is assumed that the corresponding Gram matrix is integral. The computation is done entirely with integers and the algorithm is both accurate and quite fast. In this case, x needs not be of maximal rank, but if it is not, T will not be square. If flag = 2, similar to case 1, except x should be an integer matrix whose columns are linearly independent. The lattice generated by the columns of x is first partially reduced before applying the LLL algorithm. [A basis is said to be partially reduced if |v_i ± v_j| >= |v_i| for any two distinct basis vectors v_i, v_j.] This can be significantly faster than flag = 1 when one row is huge compared to the other rows. If flag = 3, all computations are done in rational numbers. This does not incur numerical instability, but is extremely slow. This function is essentially superseded by case 1, so will soon disappear. If flag = 4, x is assumed to have integral entries, but needs not be of maximal rank. The result is a two-component vector of matrices: the columns of the first matrix represent a basis of the integer kernel of x (not necessarily LLL-reduced) and the second matrix is the transformation matrix T such that x.T is an LLL-reduced Z-basis of the image of the matrix x. If flag = 5, case as case 4, but x may have polynomial coefficients. If flag = 7, uses an older version of case 0 above. If flag = 8, same as case 0, where x may have polynomial coefficients. If flag = 9, variation on case 1, using content. The library syntax is qflll0(x,flag,prec). Also available are lll(x,prec) (flag = 0), lllint(x) (flag = 1), and lllkerim(x) (flag = 4). | |
qflllgram(x,{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
same as qflll except that the matrix x which must now be a square symmetric real matrix is the Gram matrix of the lattice vectors, and not the coordinates of the vectors themselves. The result is again the transformation matrix T which gives (as columns) the coefficients with respect to the initial basis vectors. The flags have more or less the same meaning, but some are missing. In brief: flag = 0: numerically unstable in the present version 2.1.1. flag = 1: x has integer entries, the computations are all done in integers. flag = 4: x has integer entries, gives the kernel and reduced image. flag = 5: same as 4 for generic x. flag = 7: an older version of case 0. The library syntax is qflllgram0(x,flag,prec). Also available are lllgram(x,prec) (flag = 0), lllgramint(x) (flag = 1), and lllgramkerim(x) (flag = 4). | |
qfminim(x,b,m,{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
x being a square and symmetric matrix representing a positive definite quadratic form, this function deals with the minimal vectors of x, depending on flag. If flag = 0 (default), seeks vectors of square norm less than or equal to b (for the norm defined by x), and at most 2m of these vectors. The result is a three-component vector, the first component being the number of vectors, the second being the maximum norm found, and the last vector is a matrix whose columns are the vectors found, only one being given for each pair ± v (at most m such pairs). If flag = 1, ignores m and returns the first vector whose norm is less than b. In both these cases, x is assumed to have integral entries, and the function searches for the minimal non-zero vectors whenever b = 0. If flag = 2, x can have non integral real entries, but b = 0 is now meaningless (uses Fincke-Pohst algorithm). The library syntax is qfminim0(x,b,m,flag,prec), also available are minim(x,b,m) (flag = 0), minim2(x,b,m) (flag = 1), and finally fincke_pohst(x,b,m,prec) (flag = 2). | |
qfperfection(x) | ![]() ![]() |
x being a square and symmetric matrix with integer entries representing a positive definite quadratic form, outputs the perfection rank of the form. That is, gives the rank of the family of the s symmetric matrices v_iv_i^t, where s is half the number of minimal vectors and the v_i (1 <= i <= s) are the minimal vectors. As a side note to old-timers, this used to fail bluntly when x had more than 5000 minimal vectors. Beware that the computations can now be very lengthy when x has many minimal vectors. The library syntax is perf(x). | |
qfsign(x) | ![]() ![]() |
signature of the quadratic form represented by the symmetric matrix x. The result is a two-component vector. The library syntax is signat(x). | |
setintersect(x,y) | ![]() ![]() |
intersection of the two sets x and y. The library syntax is setintersect(x,y). | |
setisset(x) | ![]() ![]() |
returns true (1) if x is a set, false (0) if not. In PARI, a set is simply a row vector whose entries are strictly increasing. To convert any vector (and other objects) into a set, use the function Set. The library syntax is setisset(x), and this returns a long. | |
setminus(x,y) | ![]() ![]() |
difference of the two sets x and y, i.e.set of elements of x which do not belong to y. The library syntax is setminus(x,y). | |
setsearch(x,y,{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
searches if y belongs to the set x. If it does and flag is zero or omitted, returns the index j such that x[j] = y, otherwise returns 0. If flag is non-zero returns the index j where y should be inserted, and 0 if it already belongs to x (this is meant to be used in conjunction with listinsert). This function works also if x is a sorted list (see listsort). The library syntax is setsearch(x,y,flag) which returns a long integer. | |
setunion(x,y) | ![]() ![]() |
union of the two sets x and y. The library syntax is setunion(x,y). | |
trace(x) | ![]() ![]() |
this applies to quite general x. If x is not a matrix, it is equal to the sum of x and its conjugate, except for polmods where it is the trace as an algebraic number. For x a square matrix, it is the ordinary trace. If x is a non-square matrix (but not a vector), an error occurs. The library syntax is gtrace(x). | |
vecextract(x,y,{z}) | ![]() ![]() |
extraction of components of the vector or matrix x according to y. In case x is a matrix, its components are as usual the columns of x. The parameter y is a component specifier, which is either an integer, a string describing a range, or a vector. If y is an integer, it is considered as a mask: the binary bits of y are read from right to left, but correspond to taking the components from left to right. For example, if y = 13 = (1101)_2 then the components 1,3 and 4 are extracted. If y is a vector, which must have integer entries, these entries correspond to the component numbers to be extracted, in the order specified. If y is a string, it can be * a single (non-zero) index giving a component number (a negative index means we start counting from the end). * a range of the form "a..b", where a and b are indexes as above. Any of a and b can be omitted; in this case, we take as default values a = 1 and b = -1, i.e.the first and last components respectively. We then extract all components in the interval [a,b], in reverse order if b < a. In addition, if the first character in the string is ^, the complement of the given set of indices is taken. If z is not omitted, x must be a matrix. y is then the line specifier, and z the column specifier, where the component specifier is as explained above.
? v = [a, b, c, d, e]; ? vecextract(v, 5) \\ mask The library syntax is extract(x,y) or matextract(x,y,z). | |
vecsort(x,{k},{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
sorts the vector x in ascending order, using the heapsort method. x must be a vector, and its components integers, reals, or fractions. If k is present and is an integer, sorts according to the value of the k-th subcomponents of the components ofx. k can also be a vector, in which case the sorting is done lexicographically according to the components listed in the vector k. For example, if k = [2,1,3], sorting will be done with respect to the second component, and when these are equal, with respect to the first, and when these are equal, with respect to the third. The binary digits of flag mean: * 1: indirect sorting of the vector x, i.e.if x is an n-component vector, returns a permutation of [1,2,...,n] which applied to the components of x sorts x in increasing order. For example, vecextract(x, vecsort(x,,1)) is equivalent to vecsort(x). * 2: sorts x by ascending lexicographic order (as per the lex comparison function). * 4: use decreasing instead of ascending order. The library syntax is vecsort0(x,k,flag). To omit k, use NULL instead. You can also use the simpler functions sort(x) ( = vecsort0(x,NULL,0)). indexsort(x) ( = vecsort0(x,NULL,1)). lexsort(x) ( = vecsort0(x,NULL,2)). Also available are sindexsort and sindexlexsort which return a vector of C-long integers (private type t_VECSMALL) v, where v[1]...v[n] contain the indices. Note that the resulting v is not a generic PARI object, but is in general easier to use in C programs! | |
vector(n,{X},{expr = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
creates a row vector (type t_VEC) with n components whose components are the expression expr evaluated at the integer points between 1 and n. If one of the last two arguments is omitted, fill the vector with zeroes. The library syntax is vecteur(GEN nmax, entree *ep, char *expr). | |
vectorv(n,X,expr) | ![]() ![]() |
as vector, but returns a column vector (type t_COL). The library syntax is vvecteur(GEN nmax, entree *ep, char *expr). | |