Pari/GP Reference Documentation | ![]() |
elladd ellak ellan ellap ellbil ellchangecurve ellchangepoint elleisnum elleta ellglobalred ellheight ellheightmatrix ellinit ellisoncurve ellj elllocalred elllseries ellorder ellordinate ellpointtoz ellpow ellrootno ellsigma ellsub elltaniyama elltors ellwp ellzeta ellztopoint | |
elladd(E,z1,z2) | ![]() ![]() |
sum of the points z1 and z2 on the elliptic curve corresponding to the vector E. The library syntax is addell(E,z1,z2). | |
ellak(E,n) | ![]() ![]() |
computes the coefficient a_n of the L-function of the elliptic curve E, principle coefficients of a newform of weight 2 assuming Taniyama-Weil conjecture (which is now known to hold in full generality thanks to the work of Breuil, Conrad, Diamond, Taylor and Wiles). E must be a medium or long vector of the type given by ellinit. For this function to work for every n and not just those prime to the conductor, E must be a minimal Weierstrass equation. If this is not the case, use the function ellglobalred first before using ellak. The library syntax is akell(E,n). | |
ellan(E,n) | ![]() ![]() |
computes the vector of the first n a_k corresponding to the elliptic curve E. All comments in ellak description remain valid. The library syntax is anell(E,n), where n is a C integer. | |
ellap(E,p,{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
computes the a_p corresponding to the elliptic curve E and the prime number p. These are defined by the equation #E(F_p) = p+1 - a_p, where #E(F_p) stands for the number of points of the curve E over the finite field F_p. When flag is 0, this uses the baby-step giant-step method and a trick due to Mestre. This runs in time O(p^{1/4}) and requires O(p^{1/4}) storage, hence becomes unreasonable when p has about 30 digits. If flag is 1, computes the a_p as a sum of Legendre symbols. This is slower than the previous method as soon as p is greater than 100, say. No checking is done that p is indeed prime. E must be a medium or long vector of the type given by ellinit, defined over Q, F_p or Q_p. E must be given by a Weierstrass equation minimal at p. The library syntax is ellap0(E,p,flag). Also available are apell(E,p), corresponding to flag = 0, and apell2(E,p) (flag = 1). | |
ellbil(E,z1,z2) | ![]() ![]() |
if z1 and z2 are points on the elliptic curve E, this function computes the value of the canonical bilinear form on z1, z2: ellheight(E,z1 +z2) - ellheight(E,z1) - ellheight(E,z2) where + denotes of course addition on E. In addition, z1 or z2 (but not both) can be vectors or matrices. Note that this is equal to twice some normalizations. E is assumed to be integral, given by a minimal model. The library syntax is bilhell(E,z1,z2,prec). | |
ellchangecurve(E,v) | ![]() ![]() |
changes the data for the elliptic curve E by changing the coordinates using the vector v = [u,r,s,t], i.e.if x' and y' are the new coordinates, then x = u^2x'+r, y = u^3y'+su^2x'+t. The vector E must be a medium or long vector of the type given by ellinit. The library syntax is coordch(E,v). | |
ellchangepoint(x,v) | ![]() ![]() |
changes the coordinates of the point or vector of points x using the vector v = [u,r,s,t], i.e.if x' and y' are the new coordinates, then x = u^2x'+r, y = u^3y'+su^2x'+t (see also ellchangecurve). The library syntax is pointch(x,v). | |
elleisnum(E,k,{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
E being an elliptic curve as output by ellinit (or, alternatively, given by a 2-component vector [omega_1,omega_2]), and k being an even positive integer, computes the numerical value of the Eisenstein series of weight k at E. When flag is non-zero and k = 4 or 6, returns g_2 or g_3 with the correct normalization. The library syntax is elleisnum(E,k,flag). | |
elleta(om) | ![]() ![]() |
returns the two-component row vector [eta_1,eta_2] of quasi-periods associated to om = [omega_1, omega_2] The library syntax is elleta(om, prec) | |
ellglobalred(E) | ![]() ![]() |
calculates the arithmetic conductor, the global minimal model of E and the global Tamagawa number c. Here E is an elliptic curve given by a medium or long vector of the type given by ellinit, and is supposed to have all its coefficients a_i in Q. The result is a 3 component vector [N,v,c]. N is the arithmetic conductor of the curve, v is itself a vector [u,r,s,t] with rational components. It gives a coordinate change for E over Q such that the resulting model has integral coefficients, is everywhere minimal, a_1 is 0 or 1, a_2 is 0, 1 or -1 and a_3 is 0 or 1. Such a model is unique, and the vector v is unique if we specify that u is positive. To get the new model, simply type ellchangecurve(E,v). Finally c is the product of the local Tamagawa numbers c_p, a quantity which enters in the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture. The library syntax is globalreduction(E). | |
ellheight(E,z,{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
global Néron-Tate height of the point z on the elliptic curve E. The vector E must be a long vector of the type given by ellinit, with flag = 1. If flag = 0, this computation is done using sigma and theta-functions and a trick due to J. Silverman. If flag = 1, use Tate's 4^n algorithm, which is much slower. E is assumed to be integral, given by a minimal model. The library syntax is ellheight0(E,z,flag,prec). The Archimedean contribution alone is given by the library function hell(E,z,prec). Also available are ghell(E,z,prec) (flag = 0) and ghell2(E,z,prec) (flag = 1). | |
ellheightmatrix(E,x) | ![]() ![]() |
x being a vector of points, this function outputs the Gram matrix of x with respect to the Néron-Tate height, in other words, the (i,j) component of the matrix is equal to ellbil(E,x[i],x[j]). The rank of this matrix, at least in some approximate sense, gives the rank of the set of points, and if x is a basis of the Mordell-Weil group of E, its determinant is equal to the regulator of E. Note that this matrix should be divided by 2 to be in accordance with certain normalizations. E is assumed to be integral, given by a minimal model. The library syntax is mathell(E,x,prec). | |
ellinit(E,{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
computes some fixed data concerning the elliptic curve given by the five-component vector E, which will be essential for most further computations on the curve. The result is a 19-component vector E (called a long vector in this section), shortened to 13 components (medium vector) if flag = 1. Both contain the following information in the first 13 components: a_1,a_2,a_3,a_4,a_6,b_2,b_4,b_6,b_8,c_4,c_6,Delta,j. In particular, the discriminant is E[12] (or E.disc), and the j-invariant is E[13] (or E.j). The other six components are only present if flag is 0 (or omitted!). Their content depends on whether the curve is defined over R or not: * When E is defined over R, E[14] ( E.roots) is a vector whose three components contain the roots of the associated Weierstrass equation. If the roots are all real, then they are ordered by decreasing value. If only one is real, it is the first component of E[14]. E[15] ([1]) is the real period of E (integral of dx/(2y+a_1x+a_3) over the connected component of the identity element of the real points of the curve), and E[16] ([2]) is a complex period. In other words, omega_1 = E[15] and omega_2 = E[16] form a basis of the complex lattice defining E (, with tau = (omega_2)/(omega_1) having positive imaginary part. E[17] and E[18] are the corresponding values eta_1 and eta_2 such that eta_1omega_2-eta_2omega_1 = iPi, and both can be retrieved by typing E.eta (as a row vector whose components are the eta_i). Finally, E[19] ( E.area) is the volume of the complex lattice defining E. * When E is defined over Q_p, the p-adic valuation of j must be negative. Then E[14] ( E.roots) is the vector with a single component equal to the p-adic root of the associated Weierstrass equation corresponding to -1 under the Tate parametrization. E[15] is equal to the square of the u-value, in the notation of Tate. E[16] is the u-value itself, if it belongs to Q_p, otherwise zero. E[17] is the value of Tate's q for the curve E. E.tate will yield the three-component vector [u^2,u,q]. E[18] ( E.w) is the value of Mestre's w (this is technical), and E[19] is arbitrarily set equal to zero. For all other base fields or rings, the last six components are arbitrarily set equal to zero (see also the description of member functions related to elliptic curves at the beginning of this section). The library syntax is ellinit0(E,flag,prec). Also available are initell(E,prec) (flag = 0) and smallinitell(E,prec) (flag = 1). | |
ellisoncurve(E,z) | ![]() ![]() |
gives 1 (i.e.true) if the point z is on the elliptic curve E, 0 otherwise. If E or z have imprecise coefficients, an attempt is made to take this into account, imprecise equality is checked, not a precise one. The library syntax is oncurve(E,z), and the result is a long. | |
ellj(x) | ![]() ![]() |
elliptic j-invariant. x must be a complex number with positive imaginary part, or convertible into a power series or a p-adic number with positive valuation. The library syntax is jell(x,prec). | |
elllocalred(E,p) | ![]() ![]() |
calculates the Kodaira type of the local fiber of the elliptic curve E at the prime p. E must be given by a medium or long vector of the type given by ellinit, and is assumed to have all its coefficients a_i in Z. The result is a 4-component vector [f,kod,v,c]. Here f is the exponent of p in the arithmetic conductor of E, and kod is the Kodaira type which is coded as follows: 1 means good reduction (type I_0), 2, 3 and 4 mean types II, III and IV respectively, 4+nu with nu > 0 means type I_nu; finally the opposite values -1, -2, etc.refer to the starred types I_0^*, II^*, etc. The third component v is itself a vector [u,r,s,t] giving the coordinate changes done during the local reduction. Normally, this has no use if u is 1, that is, if the given equation was already minimal. Finally, the last component c is the local Tamagawa number c_p. The library syntax is localreduction(E,p). | |
elllseries(E,s,{A = 1}) | ![]() ![]() |
E being a medium or long vector given by ellinit, this computes the value of the L-series of E at s. It is assumed that E is a minimal model over Z and that the curve is a modular elliptic curve. The optional parameter A is a cutoff point for the integral, which must be chosen close to 1 for best speed. The result must be independent of A, so this allows some internal checking of the function. Note that if the conductor of the curve is large, say greater than 10^{12}, this function will take an unreasonable amount of time since it uses an O(N^{1/2}) algorithm. The library syntax is lseriesell(E,s,A,prec) where prec is a long and an omitted A is coded as NULL. | |
ellorder(E,z) | ![]() ![]() |
gives the order of the point z on the elliptic curve E if it is a torsion point, zero otherwise. In the present version 2.1.1, this is implemented only for elliptic curves defined over Q. The library syntax is orderell(E,z). | |
ellordinate(E,x) | ![]() ![]() |
gives a 0, 1 or 2-component vector containing the y-coordinates of the points of the curve E having x as x-coordinate. The library syntax is ordell(E,x). | |
ellpointtoz(E,z) | ![]() ![]() |
if E is an elliptic curve with coefficients in R, this computes a complex number t (modulo the lattice defining E) corresponding to the point z, i.e.such that, in the standard Weierstrass model, wp(t) = z[1],wp'(t) = z[2]. In other words, this is the inverse function of ellztopoint. If E has coefficients in Q_p, then either Tate's u is in Q_p, in which case the output is a p-adic number t corresponding to the point z under the Tate parametrization, or only its square is, in which case the output is t+1/t. E must be a long vector output by ellinit. The library syntax is zell(E,z,prec). | |
ellpow(E,z,n) | ![]() ![]() |
computes n times the point z for the group law on the elliptic curve E. Here, n can be in Z, or n can be a complex quadratic integer if the curve E has complex multiplication by n (if not, an error message is issued). The library syntax is powell(E,z,n). | |
ellrootno(E,{p = 1}) | ![]() ![]() |
E being a medium or long vector given by ellinit, this computes the local (if p ! = 1) or global (if p = 1) root number of the L-series of the elliptic curve E. Note that the global root number is the sign of the functional equation and conjecturally is the parity of the rank of the Mordell-Weil group. The equation for E must have coefficients in Q but need not be minimal. The library syntax is ellrootno(E,p) and the result (equal to ±1) is a long. | |
ellsigma(E,z,{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
value of the Weierstrass sigma function of the lattice associated to E as given by ellinit (alternatively, E can be given as a lattice [omega_1,omega_2]). If flag = 1, computes an (arbitrary) determination of log(sigma(z)). If flag = 2,3, same using the product expansion instead of theta series. The library syntax is ellsigma(E,z,flag) | |
ellsub(E,z1,z2) | ![]() ![]() |
difference of the points z1 and z2 on the elliptic curve corresponding to the vector E. The library syntax is subell(E,z1,z2). | |
elltaniyama(E) | ![]() ![]() |
computes the modular parametrization of the elliptic curve E, where E is given in the (long or medium) format output by ellinit, in the form of a two-component vector [u,v] of power series, given to the current default series precision. This vector is characterized by the following two properties. First the point (x,y) = (u,v) satisfies the equation of the elliptic curve. Second, the differential du/(2v+a_1u+a_3) is equal to f(z)dz, a differential form on H/Gamma_0(N) where N is the conductor of the curve. The variable used in the power series for u and v is x, which is implicitly understood to be equal to exp(2iPi z). It is assumed that the curve is a strong Weil curve, and the Manin constant is equal to 1. The equation of the curve E must be minimal (use ellglobalred to get a minimal equation). The library syntax is taniyama(E), and the precision of the result is determined by the global variable precdl. | |
elltors(E,{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
if E is an elliptic curve defined over Q, outputs the torsion subgroup of E as a 3-component vector [t,v1,v2], where t is the order of the torsion group, v1 gives the structure of the torsion group as a product of cyclic groups (sorted by decreasing order), and v2 gives generators for these cyclic groups. E must be a long vector as output by ellinit.
? E = ellinit([0,0,0,-1,0]); ? elltors(E) %1 = [4, [2, 2], [[0, 0], [1, 0]]] Here, the torsion subgroup is isomorphic to Z/2Z x Z/2Z, with generators [0,0] and [1,0]. If flag = 0, use Doud's algorithm: bound torsion by computing #E(F_p) for small primes of good reduction, then look for torsion points using Weierstrass parametrization (and Mazur's classification). If flag = 1, use Lutz--Nagell (much slower), E is allowed to be a medium vector. The library syntax is elltors0(E,flag). | |
ellwp(E,{z = x},{flag = 0}) | ![]() ![]() |
Computes the value at z of the Weierstrass wp function attached to the elliptic curve E as given by ellinit (alternatively, E can be given as a lattice [omega_1,omega_2]). If z is omitted or is a simple variable, computes the power series expansion in z (starting z^{-2}+O(z^2)). The number of terms to an even power in the expansion is the default serieslength in GP, and the second argument (C long integer) in library mode. Optional flag is (for now) only taken into account when z is numeric, and means 0: compute only wp(z), 1: compute [wp(z),wp'(z)]. The library syntax is ellwp0(E,z,flag,prec,precdl). Also available is weipell(E,precdl) for the power series (in x = polx[0]). | |
ellzeta(E,z) | ![]() ![]() |
value of the Weierstrass zeta function of the lattice associated to E as given by ellinit (alternatively, E can be given as a lattice [omega_1,omega_2]). The library syntax is ellzeta(E,z). | |
ellztopoint(E,z) | ![]() ![]() |
E being a long vector, computes the coordinates [x,y] on the curve E corresponding to the complex number z. Hence this is the inverse function of ellpointtoz. In other words, if the curve is put in Weierstrass form, [x,y] represents the Weierstrass wp-function and its derivative. If z is in the lattice defining E over C, the result is the point at infinity [0]. The library syntax is pointell(E,z,prec). | |